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Doing What You Love with Darcy Geho

October 18, 202332 min read

“If it's not really what you want to be doing and you're not really seeing these fabulous results from it, then why are you going to keep spending time on it?” - Darcy Geho



Doing What You Love with Darcy Geho

Welcome to Imperfection in Progress, a podcast for ambitious women who are people-pleasers, perfectionists, or procrastinators. Want to feel less stress and more joy in your life? Then this is for you. I’m your host Dawn Calvinisti.

On this episode I’m joined by Darcy Geho, a marketing strategist who recently shifted her main focus from her marketing business over to her true passion, her lifestyle blog focused on natural living, food preservation, and healthy cooking. 

She launched her blog in 2018 and recently added an online shop featuring her handmade goat's milk soaps. She looks forward to growing her Preserving My Sanity brand while doing what she loves. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and their two dogs.

 You can get to know Darcy by visiting her website

Darcy shares how she’s shifting her focus to make room for more fun and joy in her life. Sometimes it is so hard to pivot when you’ve spent a lot of time and energy building something only to realize it’s not the right thing at this time.

Darcy’s discoveries are helpful to all of us as we learn to lean into our passion and truly listen to our inner voice when it comes to how we spend our time.

Here’s our conversation.

psychology and food

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Dawn Calvinisti: I'd like to welcome Darcy Geho to the podcast. I am really excited to have this conversation with you today, Darcy.

[00:00:08] Darcy Geho: Hi Dawn. Thanks so much for having me. I'm excited too.

[00:00:11] Dawn Calvinisti: So tell us a little bit more, because when I read your bio, it talks about a marketing business. It talks about a soap business. Tell us where this all came about.

[00:00:23] Darcy Geho: Sure. Well, I actually, I have a lifestyle blog called Preserving My Sanity that I launched in 2018 as a side to my full-time job at the time. Just as a, a hobby to share about food preservation and cooking and healthy living. And then in 2019 I ended up getting laid off from my job because our business closed.

And I live in kind of a rural area that it's not super easy to find other jobs, to be honest. So I had the idea to start my own marketing business digital Darcy. So I did that in 2019. At the time it never really crossed my mind to try to go full-time with my blog. Making money with blogs is definitely possible, but it's.

A little bit of a long game, and at the time I just needed something, that would be able to make me money relatively soon. So that's why I have two businesses. So with Digital Darcy, I've been helping small businesses with the variety of content marketing since 2019, and I still have my blog as well.

[00:01:29] Dawn Calvinisti: So the blog is still going. 

We can still find you. And what did you find as you were in the digital marketing space? Was there a point where you felt like, okay, I like doing this. This is great. It's giving me income, but I would like to do something on the side, or there's something more creative I'd like to do.

What was it that propelled you to to look at other options? 

[00:01:52] Darcy Geho: Yeah. I had just gotten my business off the ground and secured my first clients actually when Coronavirus hit. So I lost all of my clients really quickly and had to start over then. I secured some more clients and helped some people through Covid and I guess somewhere along the way I just started thinking about how tired I was.

I was spending most of my days writing. Either blog posts or social media captions or a number of other things that I do. And, and it was just, I love my clients and I love writing and I love helping them, but I think the volume of what I was trying to do was just too much. And so, I started just thinking about other ways I could make money that didn't involve writing for all of the hours of the day. So I tried to grow a marketing membership with a couple of niche audiences and put a lot of time and energy into that and wasn't really getting that off the ground like I wanted to either. So I just kept saying yes to more writing work and just kept feeling tired about it, to be honest.

[00:02:59] Dawn Calvinisti: It's interesting to me. I, I know I, I came up through network marketing and built a business really, really large, in a very short amount of time and reached the top 3% of our company, and I loved it. I loved the coaching of the other members of the team. I loved helping other people build their businesses.

I loved all of that and the most, and for me as well at some point I started to think, okay, I'm feeling a little burnt out. I'm feeling a little, like I've, I've done everything. And not that I don't like it anymore, I still like it, but I feel like I need something that's just mine. That's just something that really lights me up.

So it's, it's interesting. I think a lot of women that I speak to have something that they've committed to, and they feel like once they're all in, it's their baby. It sucks their life a hundred percent of the time. They fit their family around it, they fit the other parts of their life around it, but they're not fully passionate or really enjoying it like they did in the beginning.

[00:03:57] Darcy Geho: Absolutely. Yeah, and I think that's to a point what's happened with me as well. I mean, I don't, I don't wanna call it burnout because I'm not, I don't feel like I'm burnt out. I am ready for kind of a change I think so sort of what prompted me to realize that was I was still working on building the memberships and someone said to me one day, well, when you talk about these, you're just, you don't really sound excited about it.

You sound like it's just something else you have to deal with. Like, are you sure this is what you wanna be doing? And, of course, first I got defensive and I was like, well, yeah, I've spent all this time and money on trying to build these things. Yeah, of course that's what I, what I wanna do.

They're like, yeah, but is it, is it really? And it wasn't. I realized that it wasn't. And I, I was putting a lot of energy into social media posting. And I actually have my Instagram account on pause right now on the marketing business side. Because yeah, I was spending all of my spare time and energy on doing the things that I thought I should be doing in my business.

And it's for what? If it's not really what you want to be doing and you're not really seeing like these fabulous results from it, then why are you going to keep spending time on it? So that's something I've realized in the last few months.

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[00:05:09] Dawn Calvinisti: I love hearing the recognition like, and for sure the defensiveness I think is so interesting too because we do, right. It's our baby. It's something we've created and so we don't necessarily wanna just give something up or stop something we're doing when somebody questions it. But I think often we get on this hamster wheel and we just keep doing and doing, and the days go by.

We're not really fulfilled. We're not really even sure what the end result is supposed to be or if we're even really heading in the direction that we wanna be heading because we're just so in the the project, we're in the doing, we're in the moment, and sometimes it's just the stepping back and asking ourselves like, Is this where I should be right now?

Is this the best use of my time? Is the best use of my energy? Is this what I wanna be putting out? Is this how I wanna serve? It's asking all those questions and I like that you were brave enough to say, yeah, no, this is not what I wanna be doing.

[00:06:02] Darcy Geho: Yeah, thank you. It was really hard to be honest because one of my largest pet peeves is wasted time. And anybody I work with knows that. So I'm always talking about how can we do this more efficiently? Or, how can we make sure this is what we should be spending our time on, or what's the most important thing?

So wasted time is just like, I hate it. And so I think it was, it was part of the process for me and giving up the membership idea. That I had to remind myself that it wasn't wasted time that I met people along the way in, in the networking I did for the memberships. I met people along the way and I learned things and I picked up skills and helped some people.

And, that process helped me figure out where I wanna go from here. So, it was important for me in like being able to give it up to not look at it like wasted time.

[00:06:57] Dawn Calvinisti: Yeah, for sure. And I think you're right. Everything that we do, it does benefit us in some, in some way, shape or form, even if we're not continuing on in it. Did you find, as you were working through these things, was there a a point where you had to realize like what you would enjoy more or did you start looking again at your blog?

Like what was it that started to come to mind oh, I'd rather do put some more energy into this rather than that?

[00:07:24] Darcy Geho: Actually speaking of like the way things happen and, and the path that we're on I last fall before I even was considering giving up the memberships or taking a step back from my marketing business or anything, I met a woman who makes goats milk soap at a craft show. And I went home and I looked her up on Facebook just to look at her products and realized that she had a soap making class. It was like $19 or something. And she taught you on this live class everything you need to know about how to make soap. And it's something I'd always wanted to learn, but I was just afraid to try to be honest. And so, I signed up for the class and bought the supplies and it was really fun. So I made a batch of soap and then I made a couple more, and then she had a monthly membership where she teaches you like different techniques and things each month. And so then I signed up for that and before too long we had like all this soap in our house and, and so, we only need so much soap.

It's my husband and I in the house and we have a couple of dogs, but we collectively only need so much soap. And so, I had a few friends and family I was sharing with and people started asking me, when are you gonna sell this? Or how can I buy some of this? And so that all was going on in the background.

And then just a couple of months ago, I had a, a call with someone who asked me, she said, you don't really seem excited about what you're doing in your business. She said, what would you love to be doing? And I said, well, what I would love is if I could have my natural living blog be my full-time income and make soap and sell it and just have more fun.

And so she said, well, why can't you? So that's where I'm at now. I mean, I'm still, I'm still a marketing consultant and I'm still helping my clients, but I'm, I'm sort of revisiting the idea that maybe perhaps with a lot of work and stuff at some point my natural living blog can be what I do because it is what I love the most.



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[00:09:25] Dawn Calvinisti: This is an area where I think a lot of people get to in their lives where whether they're working a corporate job, whether they're an entrepreneur, but often what we start out as is not what we continue on as and is maybe that may not be what we finish as either, right? There might be multiple transitions, but I think again, it can be so hard to, I guess, uproot in a way those, those initial efforts, because again, we've put time, we've put energy, we've put blood, sweat, and tears, right? All those things. And we often have great relationships within that first business that we've created, whether it's our clients, partners, whatever. And so it can be really hard to say, okay I need to do something else. Whether it's on the side of that business or instead of that business or whatever, but to, to recognize like I, I am capable of making a shift. It is okay if I change my mind and I want to do something that lights me up more right now. Would you agree? So when, when, like now in this transition time that you're in, What is it that you love to do the most? What is the parts of maybe both of the things that you're doing that you enjoy the most?

[00:10:44] Darcy Geho: Well, I'm having fun making soap and learning more about making soap and what kinds of soap I'd like to make and other products possibly that I could make next. So that's been really fun and new. My husband does a lot of gardening, I help some with that part, but mostly what I enjoy is when the, when the produce is ready, I do a lot of food preservation canning, dehydrating, things like that.

And I noticed a pattern. A lot of people always say to me, you do so much cool stuff. I wish I could do that. Or I've always wanted to learn how to do that, or I don't think that I could do that. So what encourages me and what I love about, about my Preserving My Sanity side is that you can, people can do it too.

There's, there's not really anything complicated about canning food or dehydrating it or making kombucha. None of the things are hard necessarily. You just have to follow the directions and pay attention and put the time in. None of it's fast either. But anybody can learn how to do it.

And so that's kind of the, the main, I guess, theme of, of where I'm going with my blog is I just wanna help people understand that, that they can do it too. I'm not some magic person who can do all these things, like anybody can learn how to do something.

[00:12:01] Dawn Calvinisti: I think that's really true. I'm, I'm the same as you. Like I, I took a course on making kombucha. I took a course on making sourdough bread, like different, different things that really interested me and things that I would like to do. Never would've just dove in and done myself because I, I didn't understand the steps.

I wanted to see it tangibly somebody walking me through it. And so I think there's a lot of things out there that we maybe have interest in or things that we naturally gravitate towards, and we don't consider the fact that those things could potentially be business options for us.

[00:12:36] Darcy Geho: Absolutely. And it's new for me to even think about it in that way. But I spent nine years as a software consultant and trainer. And so I guess back to your, your previous question about what do I love the most and, and whether we're talking about my marketing business or the food blog and soap shop, teaching people is really what I love the most.

And I have the experience in doing it, so I do love teaching people and I'm excited to do more of that.

[00:13:02] Dawn Calvinisti: When you're talking about the things that you love as far as in the blog and of, of your world. And I mean, I'm assuming blogging is writing, right? And you also write in your other business, your marketing business. Is there a difference in the type of writing, in the way that you write? Is there a difference in the feel for you of sitting down to write?

[00:13:25] Darcy Geho: Yes and no. I do have a marketing blog over on Digital Darcy, and I've tried to take the same approach there of taking marketing concepts and just explaining them for people who need to learn more about it. So my tone over there is pretty casual. My blog posts aren't very research based.

So I just, I just share what I know and what I think and offer why it's important on the marketing blogs that I do. And then on the food side too, most of what I write about are things that I know about. So, friendly, casual, helpful is kind of my, my preferred writing tone for both sides really.

[00:14:05] Dawn Calvinisti: If somebody's listening and they're thinking like, I actually like writing, or I love journaling, or I love teaching, or like, I love that end of things and I would actually like to start a blog. I would like to be able to share my thoughts or my ideas or ways of doing things with people. Is it hard to get started blogging?

[00:14:24] Darcy Geho: I would say no. It's not hard to get started. As with anything, there's, there's different options for how you get started. It depends on your budget. There's some platforms that are better than others, some that are more user friendly, some that are more technical, but may perform better in the long run.

So, like, it depends on what your budget is and what your goals are. Even like if it's just a casual thing that you just wanna do for maybe like yourself and sharing with your family or something, there's free options out there that you could get started for, for free or reasonably cheap.

If you're looking at making it more of a business, then it might be more of an investment to get started. But either way it's not, it's not hard to get started. It does take work, but it's not hard.

[00:15:07] Dawn Calvinisti: So one question I wanna ask you, and I want to go off on this a little bit, but when it comes to the three Ps that we talk about on the podcast, which are people pleasing, perfectionism and procrastination, which one of those do you most often gravitate towards?

[00:15:23] Darcy Geho: Well, you know what interested me about being a guest here with you today is that I, I am familiar with all three of those things, but I think probably perfectionism is, is of those three things, perfectionism is probably what gets me the most.

[00:15:40] Dawn Calvinisti: So when it comes to perfectionism, a lot of times the idea of putting something out there or creating something, if you're an entrepreneur especially that has to be just right or you can't put it out there, it has to be done just so, or you have to put this much time or it has to look like somebody else's out there that's been doing it for forever and it's really hugely high expectations that generally aren't reasonable.

What would you say to somebody that is thinking about creating something else, whether it's for a new business or a business that they're in and that's holding them back? What would be your thoughts?

[00:16:16] Darcy Geho: I think to a point, the perfectionism causes procrastination which I'm sure you also talk about pretty often. But I guess I would just say, just start with something, just get started. You don't have to have a marketing plan before you market to somebody. You don't have to have a logo before you post on social media.

You don't have to, Gosh, there's all kinds of things that I could say. I got hung up that, on that when I started my business my Digital Darcy business in 2019, I spent three months making a website and having a logo design and doing all of these things before I even told one person.

I incorporated my business with the state of Minnesota in July. And I, I don't know, I think, I don't think I told anybody about it until October. So I mean, I don't wanna say I wasted three months, but in those three months I could have at least been posting in some Facebook groups or joining the local Chamber of Commerce or I could have been doing something.

I was working on that website and getting that logo and trying to get everything perfect before I showed it to anybody. So I guess I would just say don't, don't do that. Be working on those things. Those things are all important and get them in place. But don't let it stop you from telling people what you're doing.

[00:17:30] Dawn Calvinisti: Thank you for saying that. I think that is a, A huge encouragement. I know as a recovering perfectionist myself, that will be the thing that holds me up when I'm creating something new, especially, and I don't feel fully secure that I know what I'm doing. And I think sometimes we think we should be an expert before we've ever even taken the first step as a perfectionist.

And again, it's just not reasonable. And so I love that you said just, just do it. You can work on those things at the same time, but put yourself out there.

[00:18:00] Darcy Geho: Yeah, I mean, even launching my soap shop recently, there's more products I wanna make and there's more soap curing on the shelves. But at some point I had to launch the store. Like there's always gonna be a soap curing that I can't wait to tell somebody about. And there's always gonna be more ideas.

But launch the dang shop, so I did.



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[00:18:16] Dawn Calvinisti: I love this. My, my youngest daughter loves making soap, so this is one of her, her favorite things. And she's like the marketing guru. I think it comes with being a youngest child that she'll put everything out there, whether it's ready or not, and she'll have it out marketed and sold before she's even made the product.

And there's something to be said for that kind of confidence. And I mean, it's not that we all have to be perfectly confident and put ourselves out there, but the idea of I know what I want to do and I know how I want to serve somebody so I can tell them how I'm gonna serve them, even when the product isn't sitting there in front of you.

[00:18:53] Darcy Geho: Yeah, that's a different way of looking at things than how I do, but, but it's a really valid point because looking back to those memberships I built, I had video courses ready to go. I had a full PowerPoint outline of slides. I had all the elements in there. I mean, I spent hours and hours and hours making this thing and the members didn't come. And so, I mean, if I had just sold the members first and made sure that I had 10 people or something that wanted this thing which I did try to do like a wait list situation, but then I got excited and was like, well, I'm just gonna build it. I'll sell it, and back to the wasted time thing.

I think making sure that I had members that were going to sign up. I could have done the training in a weekend if I needed to, if I had members that were signed up and ready for that for it, I could have done the training in a weekend. So, it's, it's definitely a good thing to keep in mind that it doesn't, it definitely doesn't have to be perfect before you start telling somebody about it or, or even selling it to someone. If you're comfortable with that.

[00:19:53] Dawn Calvinisti: Exactly. I mean, I think there's a lot of different ways to go about marketing something. Can we talk a little bit about marketing? Because I think this gets a bad rap and I think for women especially I'm generalizing a bit here, but I think for women especially, we often will give everything away and never actually ask for money for something, and yet it is taking our time and our energy and our know-how, and we need to, in every area that we're trying to grow anything that's gonna sustain us we have to be able to market that. We have to be able to know how to put that out there. And coming from marketing, Darcy, what would you say when it comes to needing to get yourself out there in, in that way?

[00:20:39] Darcy Geho: I mean, I think it, it can be really scary to put yourself out there and it is overwhelming. We all end up with a list of a hundred things that we wanna do and it can be hard to figure out like where to start and what to do first. But regardless of how you're planning to market, it really comes down to just talking to people, I think.

And so, 99% of the clients that I have right now and that I've had over the last three years came from Facebook groups. So, it's really important to just remember to talk to people and not, and I, I don't mean like sell to people. I mean actually just talk to people and learn about them and what they do and talk to them about what you do.

And the sale part will happen naturally over time in my experience. So, I think it's, even when it's hard and even when it's maybe not our first choice to, to go on a networking call and talk to people 'cause it's not my first choice. But, but you have to do it anyway.

[00:21:37] Dawn Calvinisti: Yeah. I mean, it's one of those things where you do it scared. And, and the more that you do it, the more it becomes comfortable and natural. That's one of the things that I coach on a lot in my business coaching is how to close sales in ways that don't feel uncomfortable. Because again, I think for a lot of people they suddenly put on the sales hat to market their stuff, and in reality it's just a relationship.

It's no different than recommending a movie to a friend. Like it should feel that comfortable and I feel sorry for people who are held back by that because again, I think this is another area of perfection that you can feel like you have to nail these things and have a script and go to it to really close a sale.

When in reality, marketing is just, like you said, it's just having a conversation.

[00:22:22] Darcy Geho: Yeah, I mean I actually I deleted the services page. I'm not recommending this to anyone, just a disclaimer. But about a year ago, in the middle of all of this trying to transition business, I deleted the service page off of my website because I had a full client load and I'm grateful for that and had that, and it was like, you know what, I don't, I don't want any more leads for done for you marketing.

I wanna focus on like consulting and coaching and these memberships I'm working on and all of these other things. And so I just deleted my services page and I get referrals from the people I've met saying, Hey, I've got this lead. They want this and this and this. Can you help 'em? So any done for you services that I'm doing now are basically word of mouth because of the people that I've met.

So I think that's really cool.

[00:23:09] Dawn Calvinisti: And that just shows the relationship, right? I think when you have good relationships with your clients with whoever that you're working with, they are going to recommend you because they know you and they know you're gonna take care of other people that they send your way. Right?

[00:23:24] Darcy Geho: Yeah.

[00:23:25] Dawn Calvinisti: So for a free gift, I know Darcy is giving us 10 things to make instead of buying pre-made.

And I love that as we're coming into the end of the year because there's lots of different things that you're going to want to give somebody. And sometimes it's just nice to be able to give something that's a little more personal and has your own touch on it. So tell us a little bit about what we're going to see in here, Darcy.

[00:23:47] Darcy Geho: Sure. The free pdf that you're mentioning there is on my Preserving My Sanity blog website. And so when you sign up for my, my email list, you receive that. Basically I just put together a list of things that, that we often buy in the grocery store without even thinking about it, that are easier and healthier if we make them at home. For example I mean obviously I make homemade jam. Nobody really does food preservation without making jam, but, jam can be really easy to make and you don't have to can it. Some people are like, oh, I don't do canning. I don't have the equipment.

Like, you don't have to can it? You could make it, it stays in the fridge for a while, you could freeze it. There's other things on there like waffles. Everybody likes to buy Eggo waffles. What if you made a big batch of waffles and froze them yourself? They're better for your kids. They aren't that hard to make.

They last a few weeks to a month or two in the freezer. So things like that, just simple swaps that you can pretty easily make at home. They're healthier and, and probably save you some money too.

[00:24:48] Dawn Calvinisti: I love that. I love whenever you can do things for yourself that maybe you think is difficult, but then somebody just shows you the way to make it super simple. I love that you mentioned waffles today. The day that we're recording is actually National Waffle Day. I don't know if you know that.

[00:25:02] Darcy Geho: Oh, that's funny. No, I did not know that.

[00:25:04] Dawn Calvinisti: Yeah, so the kids and I are already talking about we're gonna do a waffles, a waffle smorgasbord for dinner, and we make our own.

It's one of those things that's super convenient, especially when you make a big batch like you said, and freeze them and then you have them for other times. And so I love anything that's time saving. As a mom, I love anything I can big batch, which is awesome. So this will be a great pdf for everybody to grab and I recommend just go to the show notes.

You'll have the link there. You'll also have all the contact info for Darcy so that you can get to know her so that you can follow her blog. And if you're thinking, I am not a hands-on, I don't can, I don't do all these things. The reality is you can always read and just dip your toe in.

You don't have to be all out and all in to have benefits from just tweaking some things that you do in your life either.

[00:25:51] Darcy Geho: That's a great point. You don't have to do all the things ever. So, that's a really great point. And if, if the food blog part isn't your thing, there's always the soap shop there as well. So everybody needs soap, right.

[00:26:03] Dawn Calvinisti: Yes, absolutely. I'm with you. My youngest would say, for sure everybody needs soap. Everybody should get soap. I love that on podcasts we get to meet people, we get to see what other women are doing. I love when it's other women entrepreneurs who are also discovering what they're loving and their passions.

So thank you so much, Darcy, for sharing your journey with us today. I so loved having you on the show.

[00:26:26] Darcy Geho: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. 

Dawn Calvinisti: Thanks for listening to today's show. If you found value in what you heard, please share it with a friend and rate and review us on whatever platform you listen on. It really helps get us out to other women who could benefit from listening. 

Check out our show notes for details from the show and to connect with me or our guests. Want to continue the conversation? My website is or DM me @pursueprogresswithdawn on Instagram. 

Until next week, pursue progress no matter how imperfectly.

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Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business.

Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years.

As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online  summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life.

She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

Dawn Calvinisti

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business. Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years. As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life. She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

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Doing What You Love with Darcy Geho

October 18, 202332 min read

“If it's not really what you want to be doing and you're not really seeing these fabulous results from it, then why are you going to keep spending time on it?” - Darcy Geho



Doing What You Love with Darcy Geho

Welcome to Imperfection in Progress, a podcast for ambitious women who are people-pleasers, perfectionists, or procrastinators. Want to feel less stress and more joy in your life? Then this is for you. I’m your host Dawn Calvinisti.

On this episode I’m joined by Darcy Geho, a marketing strategist who recently shifted her main focus from her marketing business over to her true passion, her lifestyle blog focused on natural living, food preservation, and healthy cooking. 

She launched her blog in 2018 and recently added an online shop featuring her handmade goat's milk soaps. She looks forward to growing her Preserving My Sanity brand while doing what she loves. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and their two dogs.

 You can get to know Darcy by visiting her website

Darcy shares how she’s shifting her focus to make room for more fun and joy in her life. Sometimes it is so hard to pivot when you’ve spent a lot of time and energy building something only to realize it’s not the right thing at this time.

Darcy’s discoveries are helpful to all of us as we learn to lean into our passion and truly listen to our inner voice when it comes to how we spend our time.

Here’s our conversation.

psychology and food

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Dawn Calvinisti: I'd like to welcome Darcy Geho to the podcast. I am really excited to have this conversation with you today, Darcy.

[00:00:08] Darcy Geho: Hi Dawn. Thanks so much for having me. I'm excited too.

[00:00:11] Dawn Calvinisti: So tell us a little bit more, because when I read your bio, it talks about a marketing business. It talks about a soap business. Tell us where this all came about.

[00:00:23] Darcy Geho: Sure. Well, I actually, I have a lifestyle blog called Preserving My Sanity that I launched in 2018 as a side to my full-time job at the time. Just as a, a hobby to share about food preservation and cooking and healthy living. And then in 2019 I ended up getting laid off from my job because our business closed.

And I live in kind of a rural area that it's not super easy to find other jobs, to be honest. So I had the idea to start my own marketing business digital Darcy. So I did that in 2019. At the time it never really crossed my mind to try to go full-time with my blog. Making money with blogs is definitely possible, but it's.

A little bit of a long game, and at the time I just needed something, that would be able to make me money relatively soon. So that's why I have two businesses. So with Digital Darcy, I've been helping small businesses with the variety of content marketing since 2019, and I still have my blog as well.

[00:01:29] Dawn Calvinisti: So the blog is still going. 

We can still find you. And what did you find as you were in the digital marketing space? Was there a point where you felt like, okay, I like doing this. This is great. It's giving me income, but I would like to do something on the side, or there's something more creative I'd like to do.

What was it that propelled you to to look at other options? 

[00:01:52] Darcy Geho: Yeah. I had just gotten my business off the ground and secured my first clients actually when Coronavirus hit. So I lost all of my clients really quickly and had to start over then. I secured some more clients and helped some people through Covid and I guess somewhere along the way I just started thinking about how tired I was.

I was spending most of my days writing. Either blog posts or social media captions or a number of other things that I do. And, and it was just, I love my clients and I love writing and I love helping them, but I think the volume of what I was trying to do was just too much. And so, I started just thinking about other ways I could make money that didn't involve writing for all of the hours of the day. So I tried to grow a marketing membership with a couple of niche audiences and put a lot of time and energy into that and wasn't really getting that off the ground like I wanted to either. So I just kept saying yes to more writing work and just kept feeling tired about it, to be honest.

[00:02:59] Dawn Calvinisti: It's interesting to me. I, I know I, I came up through network marketing and built a business really, really large, in a very short amount of time and reached the top 3% of our company, and I loved it. I loved the coaching of the other members of the team. I loved helping other people build their businesses.

I loved all of that and the most, and for me as well at some point I started to think, okay, I'm feeling a little burnt out. I'm feeling a little, like I've, I've done everything. And not that I don't like it anymore, I still like it, but I feel like I need something that's just mine. That's just something that really lights me up.

So it's, it's interesting. I think a lot of women that I speak to have something that they've committed to, and they feel like once they're all in, it's their baby. It sucks their life a hundred percent of the time. They fit their family around it, they fit the other parts of their life around it, but they're not fully passionate or really enjoying it like they did in the beginning.

[00:03:57] Darcy Geho: Absolutely. Yeah, and I think that's to a point what's happened with me as well. I mean, I don't, I don't wanna call it burnout because I'm not, I don't feel like I'm burnt out. I am ready for kind of a change I think so sort of what prompted me to realize that was I was still working on building the memberships and someone said to me one day, well, when you talk about these, you're just, you don't really sound excited about it.

You sound like it's just something else you have to deal with. Like, are you sure this is what you wanna be doing? And, of course, first I got defensive and I was like, well, yeah, I've spent all this time and money on trying to build these things. Yeah, of course that's what I, what I wanna do.

They're like, yeah, but is it, is it really? And it wasn't. I realized that it wasn't. And I, I was putting a lot of energy into social media posting. And I actually have my Instagram account on pause right now on the marketing business side. Because yeah, I was spending all of my spare time and energy on doing the things that I thought I should be doing in my business.

And it's for what? If it's not really what you want to be doing and you're not really seeing like these fabulous results from it, then why are you going to keep spending time on it? So that's something I've realized in the last few months.

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[00:05:09] Dawn Calvinisti: I love hearing the recognition like, and for sure the defensiveness I think is so interesting too because we do, right. It's our baby. It's something we've created and so we don't necessarily wanna just give something up or stop something we're doing when somebody questions it. But I think often we get on this hamster wheel and we just keep doing and doing, and the days go by.

We're not really fulfilled. We're not really even sure what the end result is supposed to be or if we're even really heading in the direction that we wanna be heading because we're just so in the the project, we're in the doing, we're in the moment, and sometimes it's just the stepping back and asking ourselves like, Is this where I should be right now?

Is this the best use of my time? Is the best use of my energy? Is this what I wanna be putting out? Is this how I wanna serve? It's asking all those questions and I like that you were brave enough to say, yeah, no, this is not what I wanna be doing.

[00:06:02] Darcy Geho: Yeah, thank you. It was really hard to be honest because one of my largest pet peeves is wasted time. And anybody I work with knows that. So I'm always talking about how can we do this more efficiently? Or, how can we make sure this is what we should be spending our time on, or what's the most important thing?

So wasted time is just like, I hate it. And so I think it was, it was part of the process for me and giving up the membership idea. That I had to remind myself that it wasn't wasted time that I met people along the way in, in the networking I did for the memberships. I met people along the way and I learned things and I picked up skills and helped some people.

And, that process helped me figure out where I wanna go from here. So, it was important for me in like being able to give it up to not look at it like wasted time.

[00:06:57] Dawn Calvinisti: Yeah, for sure. And I think you're right. Everything that we do, it does benefit us in some, in some way, shape or form, even if we're not continuing on in it. Did you find, as you were working through these things, was there a a point where you had to realize like what you would enjoy more or did you start looking again at your blog?

Like what was it that started to come to mind oh, I'd rather do put some more energy into this rather than that?

[00:07:24] Darcy Geho: Actually speaking of like the way things happen and, and the path that we're on I last fall before I even was considering giving up the memberships or taking a step back from my marketing business or anything, I met a woman who makes goats milk soap at a craft show. And I went home and I looked her up on Facebook just to look at her products and realized that she had a soap making class. It was like $19 or something. And she taught you on this live class everything you need to know about how to make soap. And it's something I'd always wanted to learn, but I was just afraid to try to be honest. And so, I signed up for the class and bought the supplies and it was really fun. So I made a batch of soap and then I made a couple more, and then she had a monthly membership where she teaches you like different techniques and things each month. And so then I signed up for that and before too long we had like all this soap in our house and, and so, we only need so much soap.

It's my husband and I in the house and we have a couple of dogs, but we collectively only need so much soap. And so, I had a few friends and family I was sharing with and people started asking me, when are you gonna sell this? Or how can I buy some of this? And so that all was going on in the background.

And then just a couple of months ago, I had a, a call with someone who asked me, she said, you don't really seem excited about what you're doing in your business. She said, what would you love to be doing? And I said, well, what I would love is if I could have my natural living blog be my full-time income and make soap and sell it and just have more fun.

And so she said, well, why can't you? So that's where I'm at now. I mean, I'm still, I'm still a marketing consultant and I'm still helping my clients, but I'm, I'm sort of revisiting the idea that maybe perhaps with a lot of work and stuff at some point my natural living blog can be what I do because it is what I love the most.



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[00:09:25] Dawn Calvinisti: This is an area where I think a lot of people get to in their lives where whether they're working a corporate job, whether they're an entrepreneur, but often what we start out as is not what we continue on as and is maybe that may not be what we finish as either, right? There might be multiple transitions, but I think again, it can be so hard to, I guess, uproot in a way those, those initial efforts, because again, we've put time, we've put energy, we've put blood, sweat, and tears, right? All those things. And we often have great relationships within that first business that we've created, whether it's our clients, partners, whatever. And so it can be really hard to say, okay I need to do something else. Whether it's on the side of that business or instead of that business or whatever, but to, to recognize like I, I am capable of making a shift. It is okay if I change my mind and I want to do something that lights me up more right now. Would you agree? So when, when, like now in this transition time that you're in, What is it that you love to do the most? What is the parts of maybe both of the things that you're doing that you enjoy the most?

[00:10:44] Darcy Geho: Well, I'm having fun making soap and learning more about making soap and what kinds of soap I'd like to make and other products possibly that I could make next. So that's been really fun and new. My husband does a lot of gardening, I help some with that part, but mostly what I enjoy is when the, when the produce is ready, I do a lot of food preservation canning, dehydrating, things like that.

And I noticed a pattern. A lot of people always say to me, you do so much cool stuff. I wish I could do that. Or I've always wanted to learn how to do that, or I don't think that I could do that. So what encourages me and what I love about, about my Preserving My Sanity side is that you can, people can do it too.

There's, there's not really anything complicated about canning food or dehydrating it or making kombucha. None of the things are hard necessarily. You just have to follow the directions and pay attention and put the time in. None of it's fast either. But anybody can learn how to do it.

And so that's kind of the, the main, I guess, theme of, of where I'm going with my blog is I just wanna help people understand that, that they can do it too. I'm not some magic person who can do all these things, like anybody can learn how to do something.

[00:12:01] Dawn Calvinisti: I think that's really true. I'm, I'm the same as you. Like I, I took a course on making kombucha. I took a course on making sourdough bread, like different, different things that really interested me and things that I would like to do. Never would've just dove in and done myself because I, I didn't understand the steps.

I wanted to see it tangibly somebody walking me through it. And so I think there's a lot of things out there that we maybe have interest in or things that we naturally gravitate towards, and we don't consider the fact that those things could potentially be business options for us.

[00:12:36] Darcy Geho: Absolutely. And it's new for me to even think about it in that way. But I spent nine years as a software consultant and trainer. And so I guess back to your, your previous question about what do I love the most and, and whether we're talking about my marketing business or the food blog and soap shop, teaching people is really what I love the most.

And I have the experience in doing it, so I do love teaching people and I'm excited to do more of that.

[00:13:02] Dawn Calvinisti: When you're talking about the things that you love as far as in the blog and of, of your world. And I mean, I'm assuming blogging is writing, right? And you also write in your other business, your marketing business. Is there a difference in the type of writing, in the way that you write? Is there a difference in the feel for you of sitting down to write?

[00:13:25] Darcy Geho: Yes and no. I do have a marketing blog over on Digital Darcy, and I've tried to take the same approach there of taking marketing concepts and just explaining them for people who need to learn more about it. So my tone over there is pretty casual. My blog posts aren't very research based.

So I just, I just share what I know and what I think and offer why it's important on the marketing blogs that I do. And then on the food side too, most of what I write about are things that I know about. So, friendly, casual, helpful is kind of my, my preferred writing tone for both sides really.

[00:14:05] Dawn Calvinisti: If somebody's listening and they're thinking like, I actually like writing, or I love journaling, or I love teaching, or like, I love that end of things and I would actually like to start a blog. I would like to be able to share my thoughts or my ideas or ways of doing things with people. Is it hard to get started blogging?

[00:14:24] Darcy Geho: I would say no. It's not hard to get started. As with anything, there's, there's different options for how you get started. It depends on your budget. There's some platforms that are better than others, some that are more user friendly, some that are more technical, but may perform better in the long run.

So, like, it depends on what your budget is and what your goals are. Even like if it's just a casual thing that you just wanna do for maybe like yourself and sharing with your family or something, there's free options out there that you could get started for, for free or reasonably cheap.

If you're looking at making it more of a business, then it might be more of an investment to get started. But either way it's not, it's not hard to get started. It does take work, but it's not hard.

[00:15:07] Dawn Calvinisti: So one question I wanna ask you, and I want to go off on this a little bit, but when it comes to the three Ps that we talk about on the podcast, which are people pleasing, perfectionism and procrastination, which one of those do you most often gravitate towards?

[00:15:23] Darcy Geho: Well, you know what interested me about being a guest here with you today is that I, I am familiar with all three of those things, but I think probably perfectionism is, is of those three things, perfectionism is probably what gets me the most.

[00:15:40] Dawn Calvinisti: So when it comes to perfectionism, a lot of times the idea of putting something out there or creating something, if you're an entrepreneur especially that has to be just right or you can't put it out there, it has to be done just so, or you have to put this much time or it has to look like somebody else's out there that's been doing it for forever and it's really hugely high expectations that generally aren't reasonable.

What would you say to somebody that is thinking about creating something else, whether it's for a new business or a business that they're in and that's holding them back? What would be your thoughts?

[00:16:16] Darcy Geho: I think to a point, the perfectionism causes procrastination which I'm sure you also talk about pretty often. But I guess I would just say, just start with something, just get started. You don't have to have a marketing plan before you market to somebody. You don't have to have a logo before you post on social media.

You don't have to, Gosh, there's all kinds of things that I could say. I got hung up that, on that when I started my business my Digital Darcy business in 2019, I spent three months making a website and having a logo design and doing all of these things before I even told one person.

I incorporated my business with the state of Minnesota in July. And I, I don't know, I think, I don't think I told anybody about it until October. So I mean, I don't wanna say I wasted three months, but in those three months I could have at least been posting in some Facebook groups or joining the local Chamber of Commerce or I could have been doing something.

I was working on that website and getting that logo and trying to get everything perfect before I showed it to anybody. So I guess I would just say don't, don't do that. Be working on those things. Those things are all important and get them in place. But don't let it stop you from telling people what you're doing.

[00:17:30] Dawn Calvinisti: Thank you for saying that. I think that is a, A huge encouragement. I know as a recovering perfectionist myself, that will be the thing that holds me up when I'm creating something new, especially, and I don't feel fully secure that I know what I'm doing. And I think sometimes we think we should be an expert before we've ever even taken the first step as a perfectionist.

And again, it's just not reasonable. And so I love that you said just, just do it. You can work on those things at the same time, but put yourself out there.

[00:18:00] Darcy Geho: Yeah, I mean, even launching my soap shop recently, there's more products I wanna make and there's more soap curing on the shelves. But at some point I had to launch the store. Like there's always gonna be a soap curing that I can't wait to tell somebody about. And there's always gonna be more ideas.

But launch the dang shop, so I did.



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[00:18:16] Dawn Calvinisti: I love this. My, my youngest daughter loves making soap, so this is one of her, her favorite things. And she's like the marketing guru. I think it comes with being a youngest child that she'll put everything out there, whether it's ready or not, and she'll have it out marketed and sold before she's even made the product.

And there's something to be said for that kind of confidence. And I mean, it's not that we all have to be perfectly confident and put ourselves out there, but the idea of I know what I want to do and I know how I want to serve somebody so I can tell them how I'm gonna serve them, even when the product isn't sitting there in front of you.

[00:18:53] Darcy Geho: Yeah, that's a different way of looking at things than how I do, but, but it's a really valid point because looking back to those memberships I built, I had video courses ready to go. I had a full PowerPoint outline of slides. I had all the elements in there. I mean, I spent hours and hours and hours making this thing and the members didn't come. And so, I mean, if I had just sold the members first and made sure that I had 10 people or something that wanted this thing which I did try to do like a wait list situation, but then I got excited and was like, well, I'm just gonna build it. I'll sell it, and back to the wasted time thing.

I think making sure that I had members that were going to sign up. I could have done the training in a weekend if I needed to, if I had members that were signed up and ready for that for it, I could have done the training in a weekend. So, it's, it's definitely a good thing to keep in mind that it doesn't, it definitely doesn't have to be perfect before you start telling somebody about it or, or even selling it to someone. If you're comfortable with that.

[00:19:53] Dawn Calvinisti: Exactly. I mean, I think there's a lot of different ways to go about marketing something. Can we talk a little bit about marketing? Because I think this gets a bad rap and I think for women especially I'm generalizing a bit here, but I think for women especially, we often will give everything away and never actually ask for money for something, and yet it is taking our time and our energy and our know-how, and we need to, in every area that we're trying to grow anything that's gonna sustain us we have to be able to market that. We have to be able to know how to put that out there. And coming from marketing, Darcy, what would you say when it comes to needing to get yourself out there in, in that way?

[00:20:39] Darcy Geho: I mean, I think it, it can be really scary to put yourself out there and it is overwhelming. We all end up with a list of a hundred things that we wanna do and it can be hard to figure out like where to start and what to do first. But regardless of how you're planning to market, it really comes down to just talking to people, I think.

And so, 99% of the clients that I have right now and that I've had over the last three years came from Facebook groups. So, it's really important to just remember to talk to people and not, and I, I don't mean like sell to people. I mean actually just talk to people and learn about them and what they do and talk to them about what you do.

And the sale part will happen naturally over time in my experience. So, I think it's, even when it's hard and even when it's maybe not our first choice to, to go on a networking call and talk to people 'cause it's not my first choice. But, but you have to do it anyway.

[00:21:37] Dawn Calvinisti: Yeah. I mean, it's one of those things where you do it scared. And, and the more that you do it, the more it becomes comfortable and natural. That's one of the things that I coach on a lot in my business coaching is how to close sales in ways that don't feel uncomfortable. Because again, I think for a lot of people they suddenly put on the sales hat to market their stuff, and in reality it's just a relationship.

It's no different than recommending a movie to a friend. Like it should feel that comfortable and I feel sorry for people who are held back by that because again, I think this is another area of perfection that you can feel like you have to nail these things and have a script and go to it to really close a sale.

When in reality, marketing is just, like you said, it's just having a conversation.

[00:22:22] Darcy Geho: Yeah, I mean I actually I deleted the services page. I'm not recommending this to anyone, just a disclaimer. But about a year ago, in the middle of all of this trying to transition business, I deleted the service page off of my website because I had a full client load and I'm grateful for that and had that, and it was like, you know what, I don't, I don't want any more leads for done for you marketing.

I wanna focus on like consulting and coaching and these memberships I'm working on and all of these other things. And so I just deleted my services page and I get referrals from the people I've met saying, Hey, I've got this lead. They want this and this and this. Can you help 'em? So any done for you services that I'm doing now are basically word of mouth because of the people that I've met.

So I think that's really cool.

[00:23:09] Dawn Calvinisti: And that just shows the relationship, right? I think when you have good relationships with your clients with whoever that you're working with, they are going to recommend you because they know you and they know you're gonna take care of other people that they send your way. Right?

[00:23:24] Darcy Geho: Yeah.

[00:23:25] Dawn Calvinisti: So for a free gift, I know Darcy is giving us 10 things to make instead of buying pre-made.

And I love that as we're coming into the end of the year because there's lots of different things that you're going to want to give somebody. And sometimes it's just nice to be able to give something that's a little more personal and has your own touch on it. So tell us a little bit about what we're going to see in here, Darcy.

[00:23:47] Darcy Geho: Sure. The free pdf that you're mentioning there is on my Preserving My Sanity blog website. And so when you sign up for my, my email list, you receive that. Basically I just put together a list of things that, that we often buy in the grocery store without even thinking about it, that are easier and healthier if we make them at home. For example I mean obviously I make homemade jam. Nobody really does food preservation without making jam, but, jam can be really easy to make and you don't have to can it. Some people are like, oh, I don't do canning. I don't have the equipment.

Like, you don't have to can it? You could make it, it stays in the fridge for a while, you could freeze it. There's other things on there like waffles. Everybody likes to buy Eggo waffles. What if you made a big batch of waffles and froze them yourself? They're better for your kids. They aren't that hard to make.

They last a few weeks to a month or two in the freezer. So things like that, just simple swaps that you can pretty easily make at home. They're healthier and, and probably save you some money too.

[00:24:48] Dawn Calvinisti: I love that. I love whenever you can do things for yourself that maybe you think is difficult, but then somebody just shows you the way to make it super simple. I love that you mentioned waffles today. The day that we're recording is actually National Waffle Day. I don't know if you know that.

[00:25:02] Darcy Geho: Oh, that's funny. No, I did not know that.

[00:25:04] Dawn Calvinisti: Yeah, so the kids and I are already talking about we're gonna do a waffles, a waffle smorgasbord for dinner, and we make our own.

It's one of those things that's super convenient, especially when you make a big batch like you said, and freeze them and then you have them for other times. And so I love anything that's time saving. As a mom, I love anything I can big batch, which is awesome. So this will be a great pdf for everybody to grab and I recommend just go to the show notes.

You'll have the link there. You'll also have all the contact info for Darcy so that you can get to know her so that you can follow her blog. And if you're thinking, I am not a hands-on, I don't can, I don't do all these things. The reality is you can always read and just dip your toe in.

You don't have to be all out and all in to have benefits from just tweaking some things that you do in your life either.

[00:25:51] Darcy Geho: That's a great point. You don't have to do all the things ever. So, that's a really great point. And if, if the food blog part isn't your thing, there's always the soap shop there as well. So everybody needs soap, right.

[00:26:03] Dawn Calvinisti: Yes, absolutely. I'm with you. My youngest would say, for sure everybody needs soap. Everybody should get soap. I love that on podcasts we get to meet people, we get to see what other women are doing. I love when it's other women entrepreneurs who are also discovering what they're loving and their passions.

So thank you so much, Darcy, for sharing your journey with us today. I so loved having you on the show.

[00:26:26] Darcy Geho: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. 

Dawn Calvinisti: Thanks for listening to today's show. If you found value in what you heard, please share it with a friend and rate and review us on whatever platform you listen on. It really helps get us out to other women who could benefit from listening. 

Check out our show notes for details from the show and to connect with me or our guests. Want to continue the conversation? My website is or DM me @pursueprogresswithdawn on Instagram. 

Until next week, pursue progress no matter how imperfectly.

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Book Your Free 30 Minute Strategy Call with the host, Dawn Calvinisti:

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business.

Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years.

As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online  summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life.

She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

Dawn Calvinisti

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business. Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years. As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life. She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

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