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A new podcast season

Welcome to Another Year with Dawn Calvinisti

January 03, 20248 min read

We're all a work in progress and our imperfection is what allows us to relate to each other with grace and empathy. - Dawn Calvinisti


Welcome to Another Year with Dawn Calvinisti


Welcome to Imperfection in Progress, a podcast for ambitious women who are people-pleasers, perfectionists, or procrastinators. Want to feel less stress and more joy in your life? Then this is for you. I’m your host Dawn Calvinisti.

Happy New Year everyone! This week on the podcast the guest is me, the host of Imperfection in Progress and business coach, Dawn Calvinisti sharing the theme of the podcast for the first three months of this new year. I am super excited for you to meet all of the amazing women I have interviewed for this first quarter. I hope you absolutely love them! And as a special surprise I’m changing things up a little by adding something new to the show so stay tuned to hear what it is.

a new podcast season for people pleasers, perfectionists & procrastinators

Episode Transcript


Trying to find out more about me, my guests, or the resources from this podcast? Check out my website at for podcast episodes, show notes, coaching options, essential oils to support you, and some fantastic free resources including a 30-minute clarity call. And don’t forget on whatever platform you choose to listen to your podcasts please subscribe to Imperfection in Progress and share us with your friends. We’re so grateful for your support.

[00:00:00] Dawn Calvinisti: Wow, it's been an entire year since the Imperfection in Progress podcast began, and I really hope that you've enjoyed the dozens of amazing women guests that are shared with you on the show. I'm Dawn Calvinisti, and when I set out to make this podcast, the focus was really on helping other women who relate to people pleasing, perfectionism, and procrastination.

And I really just wanted you to know that you're not alone, and we've all been there.

Also, relating to one or all of these three P's doesn't mean that you can't be successful or reach your goals or be an amazing person. Actually, all of us have these things in our lives. I've struggled with all of them. Some people struggle more with one than another. But we've all been there. And the Imperfection in Progress community is really about understanding that you have strengths, and you have weaknesses, and so do I, and so does your neighbor, your coworker, your sister in law, your favorite TikTok influencer.

None of us have got it all together. So, as we kick off another year or another season, I thought we'd pull together a new topic each month where we can improve ourselves and our lives. So notice here, I'm saying improve, right? Not perfect, because that's the goal. But I also want you to do it for you and not for others.

And to actually be excited about making changes or reaching for something new. Because if you don't really want it for you, then of course procrastination is going to kick in, right? We're going to put it off. I know, I was a people pleaser for years and at the end of it all, I wondered why was I living someone else's life?

So for the next three months, I have some amazing women guests sharing on topics I think you'll really get excited about. January, we're going to be covering our health. And by health, I mean physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, the whole person. As I often say, many times we're at the bottom of our to do list, or even off the list completely.

And that includes in the area of our health. We're going to discuss financial health, the freedom of anti dieting, the importance of real sleep, and so much more. I'm so excited to kick the year off with this super important area of our lives. And then in February, the month of love, we're diving into relationships of all sorts and self care.

And we're going deep. You'll learn about your relationship with yourself, the most important relationship of all. We'll also look at vulnerability, a word that often makes people run when it comes to relationships. And we're also discussing the types of self care and how we can feel more fully nourished by really taking care of these areas.

And then in March, we have an incredible lineup of women sharing on work life balance. It's a bit of a mystery to most women, but it's so highly desired. This will deal with guilt, burnout, family, being a mompreneur, and many other important areas of our lives, including whether balance really exists. I can't wait to share these incredible interviews with you.

I know as I speak with each of my guests, I changed by practicing what they teach, and I hope you too will find their wisdom and honesty a source of encouragement and motivation as you go about your life. 

 As a special edition this year, we're kicking off each week with the Monday Moment. This is a short 5 to 10 minute episode with the guests that will be speaking on our Wednesday interview. These will release every Monday. And it's an opportunity for you to get a sneak peek into who our guests will be. Most of these Monday Moments are a little more of a deep dive into a specific area that we will be touching on on the Wednesday.

I hope you enjoy this special addition to the podcast.

Thank you so much for being a part of the Imperfection in Progress community. To all of you who have followed, shared, or rated and reviewed the show, thank you!

It is the best way to grow our audience. And for those of you who haven't done that yet, can I ask you a favor? Please take two minutes to hit follow and then rate and review the show. It means the world to me. Your recommendation is the very best recommendation. I want you to know that you are appreciated and loved as the woman you are.

I hope that in each show there is at least one thing that resonates with you. One thing that causes you to be more compassionate toward yourself. One thing that challenges you to continue growing as the beautiful woman you are. And always know that you can reach out to me. Send me an email or book a free 30 minute clarity call to figure out exactly where you want to be and the thing you should be focusing on right now to get there.

You can find me at www. Listen, we're all a work in progress and our imperfection is what allows us to relate to each other with grace and empathy. Happy new year, everyone, and enjoy all that is available to you in this year ahead.


Hey, wonderful listeners! If you're an entrepreneur or a business owner like me, then you know the struggle of juggling a million tasks while trying to focus on what really matters. Well, guess what? I've got a game-changer for you, and it's called Umbrella Virtual Solutions!

You know those tasks that make you want to pull your hair out? The ones you'd rather avoid like the plague? Yep, Umbrella Virtual Solutions has got you covered. Need a killer website that'll make your competitors jealous? Boom, they’re the web wizards you need.

And let's talk about virtual events. Everyone loves attending them, but the behind-the-scenes madness? Not so much. Luckily, these experts are your event architects. They'll plan, set up, and run the whole shebang, so you can shine in the spotlight without the tech headache.

Now, here's the best part: If you're a fellow podcaster, like yours truly, you know that editing can be a real audio nightmare. But fear not, because Umbrella Virtual Solutions are audio editing maestros. They'll transform your raw recordings into podcasting gold while you sip your coffee and relax.

And hey, who wants to drown in emails and social media management? Not me! That's where Umbrella Virtual Solutions really shine. They love diving into the admin abyss, leaving you with a clean slate to focus on your passion projects.

But hold on, there's more. These folks aren't just about ticking off tasks. They're your partners in business creation. Got a brilliant business but no clue where to start? They will guide you through the process, turning your dreams into a reality.

Do you know what they’ve done for me? They’ve given me back my time and peace of mind? Head over to and book a free strategy call. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a whole lot of extra hours in your day.

That's – where dreams become reality and tasks become history. Check 'em out and get ready to conquer the world, one stress-free day at a time!


Thanks for listening to today's show. If you found value in what you heard, please share it with a friend and rate and review us on whatever platform you listen on. It really helps get us out to other women who could benefit from listening. 

Check out our show notes for details from the show and to connect with me or our guests. Want to continue the conversation? My website is or DM me @pursueprogresswithdawn on Instagram. 

Until next week, pursue progress no matter how imperfectly.






Imperfection in Progress Podcast:

Grab your 200 Affirmations for the 3 P’s here:


Umbrella Virtual Solutions:

Book Your Free 30 Minute Strategy Call with the host, Dawn Calvinisti:

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business.

Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years.

As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online  summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life.

She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

Dawn Calvinisti

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business. Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years. As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life. She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

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A new podcast season

Welcome to Another Year with Dawn Calvinisti

January 03, 20248 min read

We're all a work in progress and our imperfection is what allows us to relate to each other with grace and empathy. - Dawn Calvinisti


Welcome to Another Year with Dawn Calvinisti


Welcome to Imperfection in Progress, a podcast for ambitious women who are people-pleasers, perfectionists, or procrastinators. Want to feel less stress and more joy in your life? Then this is for you. I’m your host Dawn Calvinisti.

Happy New Year everyone! This week on the podcast the guest is me, the host of Imperfection in Progress and business coach, Dawn Calvinisti sharing the theme of the podcast for the first three months of this new year. I am super excited for you to meet all of the amazing women I have interviewed for this first quarter. I hope you absolutely love them! And as a special surprise I’m changing things up a little by adding something new to the show so stay tuned to hear what it is.

a new podcast season for people pleasers, perfectionists & procrastinators

Episode Transcript


Trying to find out more about me, my guests, or the resources from this podcast? Check out my website at for podcast episodes, show notes, coaching options, essential oils to support you, and some fantastic free resources including a 30-minute clarity call. And don’t forget on whatever platform you choose to listen to your podcasts please subscribe to Imperfection in Progress and share us with your friends. We’re so grateful for your support.

[00:00:00] Dawn Calvinisti: Wow, it's been an entire year since the Imperfection in Progress podcast began, and I really hope that you've enjoyed the dozens of amazing women guests that are shared with you on the show. I'm Dawn Calvinisti, and when I set out to make this podcast, the focus was really on helping other women who relate to people pleasing, perfectionism, and procrastination.

And I really just wanted you to know that you're not alone, and we've all been there.

Also, relating to one or all of these three P's doesn't mean that you can't be successful or reach your goals or be an amazing person. Actually, all of us have these things in our lives. I've struggled with all of them. Some people struggle more with one than another. But we've all been there. And the Imperfection in Progress community is really about understanding that you have strengths, and you have weaknesses, and so do I, and so does your neighbor, your coworker, your sister in law, your favorite TikTok influencer.

None of us have got it all together. So, as we kick off another year or another season, I thought we'd pull together a new topic each month where we can improve ourselves and our lives. So notice here, I'm saying improve, right? Not perfect, because that's the goal. But I also want you to do it for you and not for others.

And to actually be excited about making changes or reaching for something new. Because if you don't really want it for you, then of course procrastination is going to kick in, right? We're going to put it off. I know, I was a people pleaser for years and at the end of it all, I wondered why was I living someone else's life?

So for the next three months, I have some amazing women guests sharing on topics I think you'll really get excited about. January, we're going to be covering our health. And by health, I mean physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, the whole person. As I often say, many times we're at the bottom of our to do list, or even off the list completely.

And that includes in the area of our health. We're going to discuss financial health, the freedom of anti dieting, the importance of real sleep, and so much more. I'm so excited to kick the year off with this super important area of our lives. And then in February, the month of love, we're diving into relationships of all sorts and self care.

And we're going deep. You'll learn about your relationship with yourself, the most important relationship of all. We'll also look at vulnerability, a word that often makes people run when it comes to relationships. And we're also discussing the types of self care and how we can feel more fully nourished by really taking care of these areas.

And then in March, we have an incredible lineup of women sharing on work life balance. It's a bit of a mystery to most women, but it's so highly desired. This will deal with guilt, burnout, family, being a mompreneur, and many other important areas of our lives, including whether balance really exists. I can't wait to share these incredible interviews with you.

I know as I speak with each of my guests, I changed by practicing what they teach, and I hope you too will find their wisdom and honesty a source of encouragement and motivation as you go about your life. 

 As a special edition this year, we're kicking off each week with the Monday Moment. This is a short 5 to 10 minute episode with the guests that will be speaking on our Wednesday interview. These will release every Monday. And it's an opportunity for you to get a sneak peek into who our guests will be. Most of these Monday Moments are a little more of a deep dive into a specific area that we will be touching on on the Wednesday.

I hope you enjoy this special addition to the podcast.

Thank you so much for being a part of the Imperfection in Progress community. To all of you who have followed, shared, or rated and reviewed the show, thank you!

It is the best way to grow our audience. And for those of you who haven't done that yet, can I ask you a favor? Please take two minutes to hit follow and then rate and review the show. It means the world to me. Your recommendation is the very best recommendation. I want you to know that you are appreciated and loved as the woman you are.

I hope that in each show there is at least one thing that resonates with you. One thing that causes you to be more compassionate toward yourself. One thing that challenges you to continue growing as the beautiful woman you are. And always know that you can reach out to me. Send me an email or book a free 30 minute clarity call to figure out exactly where you want to be and the thing you should be focusing on right now to get there.

You can find me at www. Listen, we're all a work in progress and our imperfection is what allows us to relate to each other with grace and empathy. Happy new year, everyone, and enjoy all that is available to you in this year ahead.


Hey, wonderful listeners! If you're an entrepreneur or a business owner like me, then you know the struggle of juggling a million tasks while trying to focus on what really matters. Well, guess what? I've got a game-changer for you, and it's called Umbrella Virtual Solutions!

You know those tasks that make you want to pull your hair out? The ones you'd rather avoid like the plague? Yep, Umbrella Virtual Solutions has got you covered. Need a killer website that'll make your competitors jealous? Boom, they’re the web wizards you need.

And let's talk about virtual events. Everyone loves attending them, but the behind-the-scenes madness? Not so much. Luckily, these experts are your event architects. They'll plan, set up, and run the whole shebang, so you can shine in the spotlight without the tech headache.

Now, here's the best part: If you're a fellow podcaster, like yours truly, you know that editing can be a real audio nightmare. But fear not, because Umbrella Virtual Solutions are audio editing maestros. They'll transform your raw recordings into podcasting gold while you sip your coffee and relax.

And hey, who wants to drown in emails and social media management? Not me! That's where Umbrella Virtual Solutions really shine. They love diving into the admin abyss, leaving you with a clean slate to focus on your passion projects.

But hold on, there's more. These folks aren't just about ticking off tasks. They're your partners in business creation. Got a brilliant business but no clue where to start? They will guide you through the process, turning your dreams into a reality.

Do you know what they’ve done for me? They’ve given me back my time and peace of mind? Head over to and book a free strategy call. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a whole lot of extra hours in your day.

That's – where dreams become reality and tasks become history. Check 'em out and get ready to conquer the world, one stress-free day at a time!


Thanks for listening to today's show. If you found value in what you heard, please share it with a friend and rate and review us on whatever platform you listen on. It really helps get us out to other women who could benefit from listening. 

Check out our show notes for details from the show and to connect with me or our guests. Want to continue the conversation? My website is or DM me @pursueprogresswithdawn on Instagram. 

Until next week, pursue progress no matter how imperfectly.






Imperfection in Progress Podcast:

Grab your 200 Affirmations for the 3 P’s here:


Umbrella Virtual Solutions:

Book Your Free 30 Minute Strategy Call with the host, Dawn Calvinisti:

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business.

Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years.

As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online  summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life.

She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

Dawn Calvinisti

Coming from a background of natural health Dawn has owned multiple businesses as a doula, a childbirth educator, a homeopath and eventually an essential oil based network marketing business. Dawn spent 7 years building this business to multiple six-figures and reached the top 3% of leaders in just under 3 years. As a recovering people-pleaser, perfectionist and procrastinator herself, Dawn created online summits for women who want to move away from these 3 P’s and find more joy and less stress in life. She has spoken internationally on multiple podcasts and online summits to inspire women to put themselves on their to-do list without apology. To bring her message to even more women, she launched her podcast “Imperfection in Progress” in January 2023 with a membership site to create community and provide accountability.

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